PHP London Logo

Here’s my attempt at a PHP London logo. It’s just a bare logotype, but might form a basis for more elaborate designs:

It’s derived from the official PHP logo which is provided as a vector outline. I couldn’t find or identify the typeface – it looks a bit like Eurostile or ProFont (but it isn’t either) – so I redrew the characters to match.
Obviously there is scope for all kinds of arrangements (and not outlining), but at least we now have a "London" in a typeface that exactly matches the logo.
For those that like to twiddle, here is the Illustrator CS2 file (should be PDF compatible, probably need to right click to download it as it has a dumb mime type). The file also includes an uncombined version. Creative Commons License.

Dell RAID firmware and lockfile on Ubuntu

Ian P. Christian ran into this problem a while ago:

On a seperate note, anyone know how to upgrade firmware using Dell’s software
on a non-RH system?

# ./RAID_FRMW_LX_R107404.BIN
which: no lockfile in
(/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/3.3.6) Cannot find utilities on the system to execute package.
Make sure the following utilities are in the path: sed lockfile tail rm mkdir
chmod ls basename

‘lockfile’ is missing – whatever that is!

Lockfile just doesn’t seem to exist outside of RedHat (e.g. lockfile-progs on Debian doesn’t include it), however, you can of course find it on a RedHat system, and I happen to have one handy. I just copied the binary to my Ubuntu installation, where it appeared to run just fine, and allowed the firmware updaters to run ok. Thought someone might like to know.