I went along to this big release bash for AppExchange. It’s really pretty good, looks like SalesForce should have some great success. It also made it very clear that we should really be getting some apps on it (building on Smartmessages experience) sooner rather than later, especially if you’re entertained by the the prospect of “sticking it to the man” that is Microsoft!
They put on a very good show. All the top management were approachable and helpful, as were many of the partners exhibiting there.
Just back from an excellent week in Avoriaz. Decent snow for the first time in years – powder, sunshine and great company.
I tried some Rossignol Zenith Z9s and at last carving skis seem to be getting it right after the years of junk foisted upon us by the likes of Salomon. The Z9s are just great in everything.